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Request Type
Adult Dependant Care
Attorney Client
Child Care – Full
Child Care – Volunteer
Criminal Justice
Gold Seal/Adoption
Gold Seal/Visa
Government Licensing – State
Government Employee – State & FBI
Government Employment – State Only
Government Licensing – State & FBI
Individual Review
Public Housing Authority
Individual Challenge
Department of Juvenile Service
Private Employer Petition
MSP Licensing – Handgun
MSP Licensing – Security Guard
MSP Licensing – Firearms
MSP Licensing – Security System
MSP Licensing – Private Detective Section
MSP Licensing – Special Police
2 Ink Fingerprint on FD-258 or SF-87
Additional Ink Fingerprint on FD-258 or SF-87

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I'm here to assist you and answer all of your questions. Please feel free to leave a message on the form below.